Quote From the Episode: “Our life callings are always in our moments of crises. With every moment of crises there is something for all of us to learn” – Frank Kermit About Frank Kermit: There is a lot to be said about Frank Kermit. Just the fact that he is considered the coaches’ coach, speaks […]

The post 16| The 10 Emotional Needs of Women w/ Frank Kermit Part 2 of 2 appeared first on Men's Dating Mastery.

Quote From the Episode:

“Our life callings are always in our moments of crises. With every moment of crises there is something for all of us to learn”

– Frank Kermit

About Frank Kermit:

There is a lot to be said about Frank Kermit. Just the fact that he is considered the coaches’ coach, speaks volumes. Frank is a Dating and Relationship expert, a Certified Trauma Counsellor, Certified Hypnotherapist, the author of numerous books, columnist and a regular presence in the media. He is a man with a big heart who is truly out to help people. His personal life story is one of pain, perseverance, giving, triumph and inspiration.

The Highlights:

How Frank was able to establish multiple polyamorous relationships with women who had previously never been exposed to this lifestyle. Plus the remaining five of the ten emotional needs of women:

6. Protection of reputation

7. Emotional Range

8. Cater to the Little Girl

9. Dominance/Assertiveness

10. Fear of Abandonment

Show Summary:

Parts 1 and 2 of this episode are about the emotional needs of women and how men can address them in order to create and maintain attraction. Frank Kermit has grouped these needs into ten distinct categories, which are highly interrelated so parts 1 and 2 of this episode should be listened to in sequence.

There are two critical concepts underpinning these emotional needs. First, it must be understood that emotional needs are what a person responds to, not what they like or what is even good for them. This is typically formulated by the way we learn to survive as children.

The second concept, when looking at the emotional needs of women is Frank’s “Mother Lover Theory”. The idea is that a woman can only play one of two roles in a man’s life. When he violates one of these ten emotional needs, he evokes the mothering instinct, when he meets them, he evokes the lover. The remaining five needs, covered in this Part 2 of this episode are as follows:

6 – Trust and Honesty: Prove that you are not afraid to upset her with the truth. If she knows that you are not going to lie to her just to avoid the unpleasantness of her bad mood, she will trust you.

7 – Protection and Safety: This can take on many forms and does not necessarily mean the ability to physically overpower others. Are you willing to take a hit to protect her? Make sure that she doesn’t slip on the ice in the winter time? Make sure she doesn’t have to walk alone at night? If he is looking out for her safety, her guard goes down and she doesn’t need to be a mother (even for herself), which frees her to the lover.

8 – Can You Handle/Accept Her Sexuality? If she is a virgin, if she used to strip, if there are sexual acts that she cannot do, if she has some kind of fetish, etc. can you handle it?

9 – High Quality Sperm: This is inheritable genetic material some of which is within the man’s control and so of which is not. Wealth, status, genes, education, ability to provide are a few examples among many. The easiest way to demonstrate this “high quality sperm” is to show her that other women are interested in you. Beware that many guys get used with this emotional need.

10 –Prove That You Are Not a Closet Homosexual: Guys will often give off signs, without realizing it, that they would rather be with men. If a man is constantly leaving his girlfriend behind to hang out with the guys, if he never brings women around or even talks about them, women may start to wonder.

In addition to covering these emotional needs of women, Frank also shares a fascinating story about how he was able to have multiple polyamorous relationships with women who had previously not been polyamorous.


Don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect; there is a learning curve. If you are a guy who is ending up in the friend zone, you are half way there. Also, Frank offers advice on how to select the right school of thought or coaching that will suit your needs.

Contact Frank Kermit:

Website: www.franktalks.com

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The post 16| The 10 Emotional Needs of Women w/ Frank Kermit Part 2 of 2 appeared first on Men's Dating Mastery.