The Highlights: Contrary to popular belief, men are not commitment-phobes. Inherent differences between the masculine and the feminine and how each approaches life, love, sex and relationships in their own unique way. What men need in order to enter into a committed relationship without compromising their sense of freedom. The importance of being on your […]

The post 1| Demystifying Men’s Commitment Issues with Lesley Edwards appeared first on Men's Dating Mastery.

The Highlights:

Contrary to popular belief, men are not commitment-phobes.
Inherent differences between the masculine and the feminine and how each approaches life, love, sex and relationships in their own unique way.
What men need in order to enter into a committed relationship without compromising their sense of freedom.
The importance of being on your life’s path and how it impacts your success with women.
How evolutionary biology has wired men and women’s brains differently and how we continue to move forward socially.
The benefit of dating different women and how to do it with integrity.
Takeaways to start improving your dating life today.

About Lesley Edwards:

Lesley Edwards is a Dating and Relationship Coach with Mars Venus Success Coaching who works with both men and women. She is licensed and certified by Dr. John Gray, the world renowned relationship expert and author of “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”.

Show Summary:

In this episode, I speak with Lesley Edwards to dispel the myths surrounding men and commitment issues. We explore the fundamental differences between men and women and how they influence our respective approach to relationships; what men need in order to enter a relationship without feeling trapped; how evolution impacts our behavior and; the value of dating different women and how men can go about doing so with integrity.

The “commitment-phobe” label that popular culture often attaches to men is false. Lesley explains that the ability to make and honor commitments is a truly masculine trait and that men actually derive power from making commitments. Men however, also greatly value freedom so the challenge arises when a relationship threatens that sense of freedom. We reconcile these seemingly conflicting qualities by discussing how men and women are motivated by different things, the importance of finding a partner who has her act together, the role of love, and the value of being on your life’s path.

We explore evolutionary differences which have led to males evolving to seek out multiple sexual partners while females evolved to seek out commitment. We discuss how these biological drivers continue to influence our behavior as well as how our goals have evolved from satisfying base needs to striving for higher levels of consciousness.

We also talk about the value of dating different people before stepping into a committed relationship and Lesley explains that marriages tend to be more successful when entered into after the age of 28. We build on this concept in order to better understand why men may prefer younger women. Finally, we discuss how men who are still exploring by dating different women, can do so with integrity and Lesley points out the challenges that are likely to arise along the way.

As always, to wrap up, our guest provides us with tangible advice that men can apply to improve their dating life.


Lesley provides insight on how men can boost their confidence and become more attractive to women by getting their lives outside of dating handled first, as well as the importance of getting very clear on what you want in a woman.

Contact Lesley:

Lesley’s Website

Twitter: @EdwardsLesley


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The post 1| Demystifying Men’s Commitment Issues with Lesley Edwards appeared first on Men's Dating Mastery.

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