“As we get older and we go down that path of the hero’s journey, fear and resistance become the indicator that we’re going in the right direction. So, when the soul’s gatekeepers show up, it tells me, ‘You’re following your calling. Good for you.’”

Jeffrey Shaw is a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker and host of the popular business podcast Creative Warriors. He also serves as a business coach for entrepreneurs, small business owners and service-based professionals, helping them attract and retain ideal customers by way of the innovative marketing strategy outlined in his bestselling book, LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer’s Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible. Prior to 2009, Jeffrey enjoyed a 25-year career as one of the top portrait photographers in the country, earning $1M in annual revenue as a solopreneur.

Today, Jeffrey sits down with Emerald to share his experience transitioning from sought-after portrait photographer to business coach for the uncommon entrepreneur. He explains the idea of the soul’s gatekeepers, discussing how he uses fear and resistance as an indicator that he is on the right path. Jeffrey describes how his introversion is an advantage, giving him regular practice in exercising courage as well as empathy and compassion. Listen in for Jeffrey’s theory of creativity born from chaos and learn how to set parameters based on your purpose and the people you want to serve.

What You Will Learn

Jeffrey’s insight around reigniting your purpose later in life

Jeffrey’s mission to fight for the uncommon entrepreneur

Why Jeffrey left his career as a photographer for coaching

Jeffrey’s idea of the soul’s gatekeepers

How Jeffrey sees resistance as something to walk toward

Why Jeffrey views his introversion as an advantage

How practice managing unnatural situations helps speakers

How Jeffrey leverages architectural design for creative inspiration

The benefit of giving yourself permission to chase squirrels

Jeffrey’s theory that creativity comes from chaos

How Jeffrey sets parameters based on the people he wants to serve

Why Jeffrey sometimes says NO to things he wants to do

Connect with Jeffrey Shaw

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Creative Warriors Podcast


Lingo Media Kit

LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer’s Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible by Jeffrey Shaw

The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

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