Episode 264 is about lessons of death

Chris Meyer has a unique life story. He thought he was going to be a lawyer but then he found something that threw him off: an unexpected career path. He quit the law firm to pursue his passion for the funeral business and learned more about life than he could ever have imagined. As a funeral director, the lessons he learned are way beyond compared to what he learned at law school. He shares these experiences in a book he wrote called 'Life In 20 Lessons'.

'Memento Mori', a philosophical saying that translates to 'remember death'. Our time is finite here on earth and it is also the greatest commodity. So what are you doing with your time? Are you learning from your failures, are you spending time with your loved ones? Chris elaborates how we can be brave and face life when the time is ticking. As a famous roman-emperor said "Death smiles at all, all a man can do is smile back." Don't miss this jarring episode and watch now at https://ianlobas.com/podcast/

Quick Timestamps

00:02:15 Chris' Story

00:04:27 Failed the bar, mom encouraged to appeal

00:07:14 Staying focused

00:08:04 Kids are the turning point

00:09:48 Dad as inspiration

00:12:26 Facing your financial fears

00:13:29 You are going to work for your whole life, might as well love it

00:14:36 Failures are the bricks that are building your house

00:16:02 Comparing yourself to others

00:17:43 A valuable piece of paper

00:25:26 Teaching children kindness and empathy

00:27:01 Are you replaceable

00:29:21 Whos will be there at your deathbed

00:31:15 The most valuable thing in life is time

00:33:18 Burial vs cremation

00:36:53 What is legacy

00:40:29 We are all equal in death

00:44:42 Lessons from a funeral home

00:46:55 What happens after failure?

00:54:35 How do you not internalize emotions of exterior situations?

01:05:18 Seasons of life

Connect with the Guest:

❤️ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-meyer-6a5545124/

✉ Website: https://www.facebook.com/ChrisMeyerAuthor

📖Book: https://www.amazon.com/Life-20-Lessons-Funeral-Discovered-ebook/dp/B07WK83276

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EMAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: https://ianlobas.com/

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