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This week we wrap up our Family Series as we talk about a taboo topic in the church, blended families. In the most recent U.S. Census it says that there are 1,300 step families being created every day. A blended family is different biological households that are now combined due to divorce, the death of a spouse, etc. Blended families are something that we need to be talking about. God's design for the family in scripture was very specific. But the reality is we live in a broken world with broken relationships. If you are a dad leading a blended family, you know that you are going to face some challenges that a traditional family might not have to deal with. It's going to take a little more work and a little more intentionality. But God can and will redeem your role as the leader of your family.

Five Practical For Creating a Healthy Blended Family

#1 – Put God first in YOUR life
#2 – Show your kids what a godly husband and father looks like
#3 – Deal with the trauma – be aware of it, be open about it, talk about it
#4 – You are the spiritual leader for your biological kids AND your step kids
#5 – Be respectful of the other family involved

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