It's Public Beta time, Mac OS X Public Beta that is. Apple scores a coup by including QuickTime on the new Madonna album. We explore the beta and find out how close or (different) the original iteration of Mac OS X really was from OS 9 and we discuss John Siracusa's Ars Technica review. It's a Best in Show kind of episode, folks.


Hot Cocoa Interview with Jeff Raskin - the original Macintosh Project Manager Apple Borrows Amazon's "1-Click" Ordering Method Apple Nabs Madonna's New Release In QuickTime Format Macworld Expo Paris Recap Mac OS X Public Beta: Apple Expo 2000 - OS X Available For US$29.95 Via The Apple Store Revisiting the first OS X beta, Kodiak John Siracusa’s Kodiak Review First Principles of Interaction Design (Revised & Expanded) Recommendations: Josh & Matt: Movie: Best in Show