In this episode of Memoirs of successful woman, Global Women's Empowerment Coach Annie Gibbins interviews Sharmin Smith.

Sharmin Smith is the author of Taming The Tida, a fictional life story about politics, religion and a reality TV show called "Who Wants to be President?".  This novel was written in 2014 and published in January of 2015, any similarities to actual events were unplanned and led Sharmin to launch a campaign for President in June of 2018.  

While unsuccessful, it was very educational. She shares her experiences in hopes of shining light into the darkest corners of our society. 

TAMING THE TIDA“ TIDA is a Hawaiian word; Aggressive Female Personality Who Will Fight and Stand Up For What She Believes In!” Sharmin is a military brat & spouse, was born in the projects and today lives in a mansion. Her parents were violent alcoholic pedophiles & her mother was a pro with a coat hanger. She had terminated multiple pregnancies and not all her own. She tried several times to terminate Sharmin's, unsuccessfully. Sharmin is pro-choice because she knows what it’s like to be born to a mother who doesn’t want you, and a father who wants you for all the wrong reasons.

She supports the death penalty for pedophiles & believes that if we shine a light in the darkest corners of our society we can end this nightmare in our lifetime. As for the environment, we do not fully understand the continental drift or when the next massive land shifts are coming. We are not remotely prepared for the pain and death that follows.

Sharmin wants everyone to know that we have a rare opportunity right now to address our societal issues so that we ensure what survives is humanity. We absolutely cannot have pedophiles, rapists, & murderers heavily armed when real mayhem breaks loose.

Sharmin was a homeless single mom, bill collector, and mortgage underwriter, and wants her hands on the US budget. She knows exactly what it takes to crawl from one location to the other! After almost 20 years in financial services, she IS confident on how to slow the banksters roll.

Sharmin wants a chance to impress you as a solid 2020 Presidential Candidate. Our election system was always designed so that a write-in candidate could win. The best way to show the parties that they do not control our country is to elect someone from outside the parties.

While Taming The Tida is a fictional life story, Sharmin she believes she WILL be the next PRESIDENT!

To learn more about Sharmin visit

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