a week late but 1.5x length. april fools I guess

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This week we talk about:

Lamp shoppingRecourse to systemsBusiness is boomingTulpa-conjurationORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BICAMERAL MINDBooks about One Big IdeaThe Last PsychiatristAdam Tooze articleMalcolm McLaren on chiptuneWeird Catholic articleWikipedia GrandfatheringAll x are yCategorisingClass consciousnessConfidenceUnion meta-organisation"good" personality"muddy brain"Personal technology atomisationYour own personal JesusOscilloscopesTool librariesA Cybersyn For OscilloscopesDis GuysSlow NewsDubstep videoSmoking as a fandomBurialMagazine readingExplore vs exploit in readingThe SyllabusWeb CuriosSentiersOverindexing this next one was indecipherable, sorry. blame my handwriting. this was probably a really good link, the one that would make the rest all hang together. ah well.Web3 InsularityWeb2 Insularity Things I Don't Like Talking About: The PodcastConversation genresPrediction mechanismsStallman videoCatherine ProjectBono poemPOOMFILADEJay SpringettVibelinkBrainteasersMalteasersPROLOGTrueAnon Tom Clancy episode

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