No podcast this week, cause technology sucks.

4:13 PMSkycladWar and DisorderA Burnt Offering for the Bone Idol
4:13 PMSlayerRaining BloodReign in Blood
4:14 PMTurisasThe Land of Hope and GloryBattle Metal
4:24 PMAyreonDay Seven: HopeThe Human Equation
4:25 PMShadow GalleryHope for UsPrime Cuts
4:30 PMMyrathHopeHope
4:33 PMDethklokBirthday DethdayThe Dethalbum
4:36 PMEnsiferumVictory SongVictory Song
4:49 PMAngraHeroes of SandRebirth
4:50 PMStratovariusSeasons of ChangeEpisode
4:57 PMSonata ArcticaThe Power of OneSilence
5:07 PMTherionMidgardSecret of the Runes
5:12 PMNocturnal RitesWarrior's ReturnTales of Mystery and Imagination
5:18 PMLiquid Tension ExperimentParadigm ShiftLiquid Tension Experiment II
5:28 PMSymphony XRediscovery, Pt. 2: The New MythologyV: The New Mythologyrequest

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