The month of June was not the most exciting one when it comes to announcements, but Arjen, Guy, and Jean-Manuel still found some things to talk about. Although there were more diversions than usual.

Finally in Sydney
AQUA for Amazon Redshift launches in three additional AWS regions
Amazon EMR Studio is now available in 13 regions

Amazon API Gateway now supports synchronous invocations of Express Workflows using REST APIs
AWS Amplify announces support for IAM permissions boundaries on Amplify-generated IAM roles
Announcing Workflow Studio, a new low-code visual workflow designer for AWS Step Functions
Simplify building of serverless applications with AWS-supported container images for continuous integration systems
AWS SAM launches machine learning inference templates for AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda now supports SASL/PLAIN authentication for functions triggered from self-managed Apache Kafka

Amazon EKS pods running on AWS Fargate now support custom security groups
AWS App Mesh introduces enhanced ingress traffic management capabilities
Announcing AWS App Mesh Controller for Kubernetes Version 1.4.0 with Ingress Enhancements
Customize and Package Dependencies With Your Apache Spark Applications on Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS | AWS News Blog

AWS Removes NAT Gateway’s Dependence on Internet Gateway for Private Communications
Amazon EC2 adds new AMI property to flag outdated AMIs
Amazon EC2 now allows you to create crash-consistent AMIs from instances with multiple EBS volumes without rebooting instances
AWS Backup now supports crash-consistent backups of Amazon EBS volumes attached to an Amazon EC2 instance
Announcing per second billing for EC2 Windows Server and SQL Server Instances
AWS announces a new shell for F1 instances with increased FPGA resources and data transfer speeds
Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances - New features, improved performance and lower prices

Dev & Ops
AWS Systems Manager Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI is now open source
AWS announces the general availability of AWS Proton
Introducing a Public Registry for AWS CloudFormation | AWS News Blog
AWS Control Tower announces accessibility, console and performance improvements
Configure GitHub Actions workflows with a new GitHub Action for building serverless applications
Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer Updates: New Java Detectors and CI/CD Integration with GitHub Actions | AWS News Blog
AWS Systems Manager now supports free text search for a node in the Session Manager console

Amazon Cognito now supports SMS Sandbox from Amazon SNS
AWS Security Hub adds 16 new controls to its Foundational Security Best Practices standard for enhanced cloud security posture monitoring
AWS Resource Access Manager enables granular access control with additional managed permissions
AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority now supports more flexibility for CAs shared across accounts
KMS Multi-Region Keys
AWS WAF adds 15 new text transformations
IAM Access Analyzer adds new policy checks to help validate conditions during IAM policy authoring

Data Storage & Processing
Amazon QLDB supports IAM-based access policy for PartiQL queries and ledger tables
Announcing Global Clusters for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
Identify and Copy existing objects to use S3 Bucket Keys, reducing the costs of Server-Side Encryption with AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS)
AWS Glue Studio now allows you to specify streaming ETL job settings
Announcing R5d instances and lookup cache for Amazon Neptune
Amazon Neptune simplifies in-console experience to help customers get started faster
AWS Glue Studio now includes a code editor for customizing your job scripts
File Access Auditing Is Now Available for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server | AWS News Blog
Amazon Athena engine version 2 is generally available in all AWS commercial and GovCloud regions
Amazon Aurora Serverless v1 supports fast database cloning
Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) Now Supports r5.8xlarge and r5.16xlarge Instances
Amazon EMR now supports up to thirty instance type configurations in Instance Fleets
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) now supports encryption in transit of data between your applications and DAX clusters, and between the nodes within a DAX cluster

Amazon SageMaker model registry now supports rollback of deployed models
Amazon SageMaker Pipelines now supports callback capability
Amazon Translate is Now Integrated with Amazon CloudWatch Events and Amazon EventBridge
Amazon Lex announces support for multi-valued slots
Connect to your Amazon CloudWatch data to detect anomalies and diagnose their root causes using Amazon Lookout for Metrics
Amazon Translate now supports XML Localization Interchange File Format - XLIFF documents
Amazon SageMaker Now Supports ml.G4dn instances for Batch Transform and Processing Jobs

Other Cool Stuff
Amazon CloudWatch adds Control Plane API Usage Metrics across AWS Services
Amazon Location Service Is Now Generally Available with New Routing and Satellite Imagery Capabilities | AWS News Blog
New LoRaWAN gateway management features generally available for AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
Announcing support for custom partitioning in AWS IoT Analytics Data Stores
AWS China (Beijing) Region Adds the Third Availability Zone
AWS Client VPN launches desktop client for Linux
Amazon Connect launches API to configure quick connects programmatically
In the Works – AWS Region in Tel Aviv, Israel | AWS News Blog
New – AWS BugBust: It’s Game Over for Bugs | AWS News Blog

The Nanos

The month of June...

Gold Sponsor Innablr
Silver Sponsors
CMD Solutions
DoIT International