Previous Episode: What's New in July 2020

Arjen, Jean-Manuel, and Guy once again take a close look at the new releases from the past month. And while they try to compare everything to EFS for Lambda, this month includes the introduction of a new award: The Nano

The News
Finally in Sydney
Announcing the newest AWS Heroes – August 2020 | AWS News Blog
Amazon EC2 M6g, C6g and R6g instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are now available in Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney) regions
Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances based on AWS Inferentia now available in US East (Ohio), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland) and Asia Pacific (Sydney, Tokyo) Regions

AWS Lambda now provides IAM condition keys for VPC settings
AWS Lambda now supports Go on Amazon Linux 2
AWS Lambda now supports Java 8 (Corretto)
AWS Lambda now supports custom runtimes on Amazon Linux 2
AWS Lambda now supports Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka as an event source
AWS AppSync releases Direct Lambda Resolvers for GraphQL APIs

API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs now supports wildcard custom domain names
API Gateway HTTP APIs adds integration with five AWS services
Amazon API Gateway now supports enhanced observability via access logs

Step Functions
AWS Step Functions adds support for Amazon SageMaker Processing
AWS Step Functions adds support for string manipulation, new comparison operators, and improved output processing

Announcing Swift Combine support in Amplify iOS
Amplify Flutter now available as Developer Preview

AWS Fargate for Amazon ECS now supports UDP load balancing with Network Load Balancer
AWS Fargate for Amazon EKS now included in Compute Savings Plans
Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate now supports Amazon EFS file systems

Amazon Elastic Container Service launches more network metrics for containers using the EC2 launch type
AWS Copilot CLI launches v0.3 focused on operations and configuration
Amazon ECS now launches the Amazon ECS Optimized Inferentia AMI

Amazon EKS now supports UDP load balancing with Network Load Balancer
Amazon EKS managed node groups now support EC2 launch templates and custom AMIs
Amazon EKS support for Arm-based instances powered by AWS Graviton is now generally available
Announcing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes Preview
Amazon EKS now supports EC2 Instance Metadata Service v2

AWS App Mesh introduces new default mesh configuration

Amazon S3 Access Points now support the COPY API
Now Available, Amazon EC2 C5ad instances featuring 2nd Generation AMD EPYC Processors
AWS Site-to-Site VPN Now Supports IPv6 Traffic
AWS Site-to-Site VPN now supports additional encryption, integrity and key exchange algorithms
AWS Site-to-Site VPN now supports Internet Key Exchange (IKE) initiation
AWS Transit Gateway customers can now use their own Prefix Lists to simplify IP management
Amazon EC2 Instance Metadata Service Now Supports Additional Fields for Improved Automation and Operability

Dev & Ops
CodeGuru Reviewer now has Full Repository Analysis Support
EC2 Image Builder components can now be developed locally
AWS CodeDeploy now supports deployments to VPC endpoints
Now manage a popular third party agent from AWS Systems Manager Distributor
AWS Systems Manager Explorer now provides a multi-account summary of AWS Support cases
AWS Cloud9 releases enhanced VPC support

New – Using Amazon GuardDuty to Protect Your S3 Buckets | AWS News Blog
Manage access to AWS centrally for OneLogin users with AWS Single Sign-On
AWS IoT Device Defender adds audit finding suppression capability
AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority now supports Private CA sharing
AWS Firewall Manager now supports security groups on Application Load Balancers and Classic Load Balancers

Storage and Databases
New EBS Volume Type (io2) – 100x Higher Durability and 10x More IOPS/GiB | AWS News Blog
Announcing Preview for Amazon RDS M6g and R6g Instance Types, Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processors
AWS Glue version 2.0 featuring 10x faster job start times and 1-minute minimum billing duration
AWS Glue now provides the ability to stop and restart your Glue workflows
Amazon Neptune announces graph visualization in Neptune Workbench
Amazon FSx for Lustre announces high-performance HDD-based shared storage for compute workloads
Amazon ElastiCache announces support for resource-level permission policies
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis Now Supports Up To 500 Nodes Per Cluster
AWS Database Migration Service now supports MongoDB 4.0 as a source
Amazon RDS for SQL Server now Supports SQL Server Major Version 2019

AWS DeepComposer launches new learning capsule that deep dives into training an autoregressive CNN model
Amazon Forecast adds holiday calendars for 66 countries, to improve forecast accuracy
Amazon Augmented AI Launches Delete Human Task UI Capability

Other Cool Stuff
Quantum computing is now available on AWS through Amazon Braket
AWS IoT Device Management increases the limit for concurrent Active Jobs to 1,000 per AWS account per region
AWS IoT Core expands Custom Authentication options
Announcing the General Availability of AWS Wavelength in Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area
Introducing Second Local Zone in Los Angeles, CA
Amazon Connect adds support for early media on outbound phone calls
Amazon Connect now returns agents to their previous status after finishing an outbound call
Amazon Connect adds cut, copy, and paste to the contact flow designer
AWS RoboMaker WorldForge simplifies creating simulation worlds for robotics
Amazon SES now enables customers to bulk import and bulk delete email addresses from the account-level suppression list
Amazon Interactive Video Service adds support for playback authorization
Amazon Connect allows contact-centers to auto-resolve to the best voice
Amazon SNS launches client library supporting message payloads of up to 2 GB

The Nano Candidates
Amazon Forecast adds holiday calendars for 66 countries, to improve forecast accuracy
AWS IoT Device Defender adds audit finding suppression capability
Amazon Connect adds support for early media on outbound phone calls

Gold Sponsor Innablr
Silver Sponsors
CMD Solutions
DoiT International