In this week’s episode, we amplify the voices of former guest Dr. Traci Baxley and ally Kristine Smith. 

 Dr. Traci Baxley is the founder and CEO of Traci Baxley Consulting, a company dedicated to supporting parents on their journey of raising independent, compassionate, and socially conscious children. As a belonging and inclusion advocate and the creator of Social Justice Parenting, she assists families who are stuck in fear-based parenting to transition to parenting from a space of radical love. As an educator for over 30 years and a mother of 5 children, Dr. Baxley uses her experiences and expertise to support parents through issues of belonging, self-advocacy, social-emotional, executive function development. In addition, she offers cultural awareness and racial identity training to nonprofit and agencies that support transracial families.

Kristine Smith is an adoptive mother to five children. She has three children adopted from Uganda and two children who joined their family through embryo adoption. Having left the field of critical care nursing in 2015 to stay home full time, Kristine has focused on educating and training those who are considering adoption or who are already parenting adopted children. She recently became an Advanced Trauma Competent caregiver. Her passion is encouraging and training adoptive families. She also enjoys speaking at adoption conferences on the unique challenges of transracial parenting.”

Tune in to our special Group Chat episode as we keep it real discussing the challenges of transracial adoptions and the affects of being a transracial adoptee/parent.