Mehera Irani, 1972 (Photo by Clive Adams) 1972 - Mehera Irani, Baba's most beloved, tells her story of coming to Meher Baba, her life with Upasni Maharaj, and how Baba helped her avoid getting married.1:08:39​From the Andy Muir collection, this high quality reel to reel recording might have been taken by James May. [...]

Mehera Irani, 1972 (Photo by Clive Adams) 1972 - Mehera Irani, Baba's most beloved, tells her story of coming to Meher Baba, her life with Upasni Maharaj, and how Baba helped her avoid getting married.

​From the Andy Muir collection, this high quality reel to reel recording might have been taken by James May. mehera_irani_origin_story_part_1_and_2__pa-001a_7_001b_.mp3File Size: 65768 kbFile Type: mp3Download File Meherazad, September 1972
Master 1
Tape 1
Side I
1. Mehera's "Jai Baba" (Repeated)
2. "I was fourteen..."
3. Mehera's mother daulatmai. Her first meeting with Meher Baba and how she obeyed Him.
4. Traveling to Sakori
5. The first four Glimpses
6. Freni's Wedding
7. The First Darshan
8. Some Instructions
9. Prasad
10. The Call
Side II
1. Staying at Meherabad
2. "I will make you like Babajan."
3. The story of the two gold rings.