Previous Episode: The guts to be original

Bringing anything you've created into the world is scary.

Justin takes you through his checklist for launching a product confidently.

Bringing anything you've created into the world is scary. Last episode Justin was saying how anxious he was about the launch of his new project: The Secret Makers Society. How did he get over that?

A good product is something that really connects with people.

Plus: learn about Higher than Hobbits - the world's first open source band.

Show notes
Slides from Justin's talk for Marketers & Designers in Kelowna
Submit your music to the world's first open source band
Join the 2016 Maker Challenge
Tweet Justin at @mijustin

Thanks to

Striker for our theme music

Jordan Powers for filming my talk and sending me the audio!

MAD Kelowna for inviting me to speak

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