Marty and Justin try to get their first paying customer for their SMS app.

Marty and Justin try to get their first paying customer for their SMS app.

Show notes

2016 Maker Challenge
Text Me Slacker
Network Effects
Sponsor: Balsamiq Mockups. Use code MEGAMAKER to get $10 off Balsamiq Mockups 3 for Desktop (normally $89). Code Expires May 1st.
Striker Metal

Maker challenge

If you could build a mobile app, what would it be? The easiest way to get started is to start small. Make a mockup!

Design your dream app in Balsamiq and you could win 1 hour with Peldi. Get feedback on your business idea OR get him to wireframe your idea for you (this will be on Youtube).

To enter go to:

See other entries here.
Download Balsamiq (or use the web version)
Create a mockup for your "dream" mobile app. It can be serious or funny.

Contest ends April 9th!

Balsamiq is free to use for 30 days.

Discount code: use code MEGAMAKER to get $10 off Balsamiq Mockups 3 for Desktop (normally $89). Code Expires May 1st.

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