Learn how to make things that people actually want. Justin is joined by author Alan Klement to talk about the "Jobs to be Done" framework .

Learn how to make things that people actually want. Justin is joined by author Alan Klement to talk about the "Jobs to be Done" framework .

Don't define your competition by features or product. Rather you need to define your competition by what helps customers make progress.

Show notes

Are you a software developer who wants to launch your own product? The updated Marketing for Developers course launches on Oct. 15, 2016

When Kale and Coffee Compete a book by Alan Klement
Product People Club
Jobs to be Done on Medium

"If there's a picture in our minds of how we want life to be, and we're not quite there, we want to make progress towards that vision."

There's two things that cause people to switch products:

The picture in your mind (of how you want things to be) has changed.
The solution you're using is no longer delivering you progress.

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