In this week’s Mega Visions Show:

Rick and Morty, Resident Evil, Carl Sagan. What WON'T we talk about in this episode? Did Fire Emblem ruin games? Does Mario Party matter? And a little movie called Mortal Kombat released so you bet your blood-stained boots we talk about that!

Mortal Kombat Movie spoilers start at 01:26:45 you have been warned!

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The SaturnDay Marathon is just around the corner on May 15th and you can help by donating to Extra Life right here!

Last, but definitely not least, thanks to all you amazing people, our proceeds towards the NAACP Legal Defense Fund totaled $365 in June! If you need any other resources going forward, please check out this site here. And support these awesome black game developers!

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Be sure to check out our sponsor Warp Zone!

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