Before this recording if you asked me who was Mevina, id tell you he was the homie. A cool as hell, big Samoan guy that runs a few Polynesian dance school or classes. And i think owns a few restaurants back in the states.

Turns out that's only partially right. Mevina comes from a long line of super influential members of the Polynesian dance and music community. If youve ever seen Polynesian dance on tv or at Disneyland youre seeing some part of his families influence. He himself also being tremendously influential in dance and music. Hes changed the industry, style and inspired thousands. Its wild.

Today we learn just a bit about who is Mevina and the lineage of greatness from which he comes. It was kind of mind blowing. Tune in.

Plus he reppin that West Coast.

Joining me is the homie and former guest of the show DJ Tagg !

All music by Soul.Dope.95

Video on Youtube at Secret House Against the World Tokyo
