Emphatically yes!

The Raw Urban Mobile Podcast is one of the most interesting podcasts in Japan. Together, Tokyo Cliff and Shockolate Buddha, interview and converse with interesting guests in their "mobile man cave." They've recorded with some incredible guests of all walks of life here in Tokyo. Lawyers, restaurant owners, film makers, basketball players, famous actors and so many other interesting people in Tokyo. Its truly one of the best places to gain perspective about experiences in Japan.

Cliff and Shock are long time friends of our podcast and we were really glad to have them on. Check out their podcast every week
any where fine podcasts are supplied.

Weather Report:

Mega: Skyzoo - Everythings Fine

Cliff: Skyzoo - The Stick-Up Tape From Menace

Late: Jacuzzi Boys (Fredfades and Jawn Rice) - **several tracks**

Megalateshow /on twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Weather Forecast calendar of upcoming dope culture shows going on in Tokyo!

If you want your show in the Weather Forecast make sure to hit us at: [email protected]