Meg Talks with Plus size model and PR guru Celestina Diamond. This episode has some of the wildest stories in Meg Talks history.
I absolutely adore Cece and her message, this weeks episode is the antidote for anyone struggling with their body, image and self esteem.

We get into a very honest conversation about Celestina's journey to loving her body and the hidden experiences of plus size people. Now I can't say that I am totally comfortable or proud of my body so I found myself learning a lot from my sister in terms of practical things to do to boost my confidence and overcome my camera shyness. We get the tea on how to build your self esteem from the ground up and how to shine in front of the camera.

Fatphobia is a term that is thrown around quite loosely, but we get a true illustration of how it plays out in intimate romantic relationships, work and social settings.

We get into a juicy conversation around her experiences of dating as a bisexual, being out during xmas and navigating the Wild West of queer dating.

This episode is a bag of emotions and laughter.
Big up unnuh self, respect and manners every time.