We often look at change as challenging because we only look at it from the human side.  Habits are a part of being human.  They are a function of the brain. But there is another part of you...a world of uncharted territory that you have yet to explore...a reflection that is always present that you cannot see - the Observer.  It is the "I" in you.  When you connect to this power inside of you, nothing is impossible.  Although habits cannot be broken because they are established in the brain, they can be replaced with new, more empowering paradigms. The way to do that is by shifting to a higher vibration and invoke one of your inner resources - the Will.  Although you may feel helpless, you are in no way powerless.  Look beyond what you see in the physical world - it is an illusion.  Remember, being comes from non-being...

A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man and woman.


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