Life happens - one minute you can be riding on cloud nine...the next you can be in the pit of hell.  It only takes an instant for your life to change.  

So what do you do when you're dealt  a hand you're not ready for?  What do you do when your dreams are shattered and you don't see anything in front of you? 

Tariq Mix had a dream.  He wanted to compete in the Olympics and play professional sports.  In high school he lifted weights, played football and ran track.  He went on to attend Howard University where he received a track scholarship.  Life was good!

But, in April 2001 everything changed.  While running relays at the University of Pennsylvania, Tariq collapsed.  He could hear the ambulance and the crowd around him, but he did not know what was going on. At the age of 20 he was frightened and confused.  "What was happening?" he thought as paramedics placed him on the stretcher. He had always been pretty healthy.

Tariq was transported to Duke University in North Carolina where he underwent a 9-hour procedure on his heart.  He had suffered an arrythmia and was told if he had not been in such good shape, he would not have made it. After the procedure he remembered the devastation he felt after hearing the doctor's words.  "You cannot compete again."

"What about the could this be happening at 19years old??" It shook him to the core of his being.

Listen in as we talk to Tariq about how he overcame the devastation of one shattered dream to discover a new dream that was in him all along...waiting to emerge. Join us as Tariq takes us on his journey from Athlete to Artist.