Meet Fanny,

Power woman, living in Indonesia. 💪

In this episode she shares how, with her husband they made the decision to settle where her career took her, even if that meant more challenges for him to integrate in the remote areas of Cameroun and Indonesia. 

She also opens up about their journey of creating a family and going through the process of medically assisted fertilization as an expat.

Her Indonesian recommendations:

🍹 Omlandia at the  River Deli Hotel 

🍣 Sushi Tei for authen tic Japanese food 

🦧 Bukit Lawang to see Orangutans

And for the song: Loreena Mckennit Caravan Serai  

Find Fanny Butler and her podcast Vis ta meilleure vie here 

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.