"People come in and say, 'This is like an old time candy store!' No. It IS an old time candy store. We are who we are. 105 years on the same corner."
Crown Candy Kitchen is a St. Louis staple, and whether you walked in yesterday or 100 years ago, you'd have the same experience.
It's been the same for generations, and as its current steward, Andy Karandzieff is proud of the fact his customers can always count on the same things that brought people there throughout the decades.
Andy joined Meet St. Louis to talk about the history of the city's favorite candy shop, their journey over the years, and why they'd never choose anywhere else to call home.
He also talked about his brief run for mayor and why he has so much fun with social media.
Sit back, plug in, and enjoy. (Just don't ask if you can have fries with that)