Previous Episode: The "Tado" Man - Episode 17

If you have a story you'd like to submit for the show email me at:
 [email protected]

*The collection of stories for Meet My Ghost is curated by me. I am not the author. All stories/authors are gratefully listed in individual show notes!!.*

(I try my hardest to track down and credit all authors/story tellers when I can sleuth them out! If you see a story written by you, PLEASE message me so I can credit you!)

Today's Stories:

The Lost Boy
My Lady in Black from Inallea
My Son Came to Visit Before He Was Born from Venus Valkyrie
Daughter's Imaginary Friends from Kest

If you're enjoying the show, the best way to support it is to leave a rating and review on iTunes. That really helps people find me so I can continue sharing more ghost stories with you.

Sharing with a friend and on social media helps a ton too!

Want some stickers? If you go to iTunes and leave a rating and review --- please send me an email with your home address to let me know  - and I'll mail you out a few stickers!


Follow Meet My Ghost on Instagram. (I hate Twitter and Facebook so, nope).


Until next time....Happy Haunting!