Meet Cute Presents: Exes For End Times - Part 1, where it’s March 2020 and the rest, as they say, is history. There’s a lot of history between Rosemary and Ben, who broke up a month ago because Rosemary wasn’t ready to start a family. She was also preparing to leave for grad school in London. Now stuck in NYC due to COVID-19, Rosemary convinces Ben that they should endure lockdown together. Just as friends.

Story by Shannon Looney. Produced and Directed by Ashley Eskew. Sound Design by Ashley Eskew. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Liz Miele, Chris Fore, Dani Colucci, Clayton Farris, Scott Golden, Laura Schein.

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Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.

Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN. 

Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS. 

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