Let the battle of food and words COMMENCE!!! We pick back up with the crew of Arguile, Shanks, Salix, and Hoshino making final preparations for the battle of words between “Slim” Arguile and Fat Arguile. It was a glorious exchange of words and a spectacular show for the city of Nymora to behold. The food was incredible and the mood was electric as things wrapped, it was decided that “Slim” Arguile was the winner! Towards the end, the group enjoyed the rest of the food and connected with the people of Nymora, Fat Arguile, and eventually the rest of the party. With hearts heavy Zechs, Galahad, and Glad decided to just enjoy this brief moment of joy and to save sharing what they found until the next day. Today is a day for revelry and rest.

There's so much happening and that's where we pick up…

Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage!

Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse

Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III

Check out the show at themedusascascade.com