We pick back up in the tavern with the party and The Journeyman. Individual conversations are had between JM and Salix, Galahad, and Shanks on a varying array of topics. Salix was given an apology as to JM’s actions. Galahad and JM discussed The Constable’s affinity for Zechs and the situation that led Zechs to the Feywild. Shanks got some advice and clarity on some situations with the help of JM. Later on, we get some bonding from Zechs, Galahad, and Hoshino in the training room downstairs. Hoshino informs the two of a bit of his backstory and Galahad suggests to Zechs that a hunt might be in order if he indeed wants to connect with Solonar. Preparations are made and the three of them head into the forest to hunt an elk. Hoshino and Galahad are informed to keep an eye on Zechs’ blood lust and they manage to track their prey into a clearing.

There's so much happening and that's where we pick up…

Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage!

Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse

Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III

Check out the show at themedusascascade.com