Dr Nikki Tugnet MD, FRACP is a Rheumatologist in clinical practice in Auckland, New Zealand, an RYT®500 yoga teacher and a Yoga Medicine® Therapeutic Specialist. She specializes in working one-to-one with people with various forms of autoimmune disease and arthritis, providing online Yoga for Autoimmunity and arthritis.Her clinical research interest is in Systemic Lupus (SLE) and she is an investigator for one of the world's largest lupus research groups, the Asia-Pacific Lupus Collaboration (APLC).Nikki integrates yoga therapeutics within her medical practice, providing whole person healthcare. She is passionate about sharing the health system of yoga so that people living with autoimmune disease are better equipped to navigate stress, reduce pain and fatigue and maintain quality of life. She promotes self-advocacy and movement as medicine and provides a supportive space in which to explore the MindBody Connection.

Show Notes:

Driving Home By Dr. Steffany Moonaz : https://www.arthritis.yoga/store-yoga-for-arthritis/p/driving-home-by-dr-steffany-moonaz-pre-sale
Dr. Nikki's Website:
Social media handle: @yogadoctornikki @integratedrheumatology

Episode: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/smoonaz/episodes/Ep-22--Dr--Nikki-Tugnet--MD--FRACP---Where-Yoga-and-Rheumatology-Meet-e2j7j8v

Podcast: https://www.arthritis.yoga