Welcome to Season 2, Episode 50 of The Mindfulness Experience Podcast
I'm your host, Keith Fiveson, and today our special guest, Mr. Aaron Orsini, will provide incredible insights into Autism and Psychedelics.  Check out their website here https://www.autisticpsychedelic.com/
Aaron is an acclaimed author, researcher, and educator in the field of psychedelic autism research based in Denver, Colorado. He has dedicated his life to understanding the potential of natural medicine in supporting decentralized, scalable, and affordable community care models. As an autistic person, Aaron's journey from personal experience to becoming a psychedelics expert is inspiring.
In this episode, we'll dive deep into Aaron's work and learn about his incredible journey. We'll discuss his extensive research and authorial works, including his groundbreaking books 'Autism on Acid and 'Autistic Psychedelic,' and his soon-to-be-released books in 2022 and 2023, respectively.
We will explore his latest projects with Aaron in collaboration with reputable institutions such as the University College London and ADAPT drug education. Moreover, we'll gain insight into his facilitation-focused intensive through Psychedelic Passage, which aims to provide guidance and support for those exploring the transformative power of psychedelics.
So, please sit back, relax, and get ready to embark on a thought-provoking and enlightening journey with our esteemed guest, Mr. Aaron Orsini, as we delve into the world of psychedelic autism research and its potential to revolutionize community care models.
Stay tuned, and let's begin our conversation with Aaron on Episode 49 of The Mindfulness Experience Podcast.

Episode: https://themindfulnessexperience.podbean.com/e/s02e49-aaron-orsini-author-researcher-visionary-organizer-autism-on-psychedelics/

Podcast: https://themindfulnessexperience.podbean.com