Join Vanessa in a captivating episode featuring LiYing, a spiritual mentor and ceremonial tea expert, as they dive into an enriching conversation about ancestral healing, personal transformation, and the profound practice of Cha dao. LiYing shares her inspiring story, from battling anorexia and exploring self-belonging to finding solace and presence in the art of tea ceremony. This episode is filled with raw emotion, authenticity, and the exploration of deep spiritual wisdom.
LiYing discusses her realization that true fulfillment in life comes from embodying wisdom rather than controlling outcomes, and how the practice of Cha Dao has offered her both personal healing and a path to help others. Moving from Malaysia to Hong Kong to Edinburgh, she transformed her life through self-discovery and alignment with her true essence. The conversation also touches on the concept of ancestral patterns and how releasing them can set both ourselves and our ancestors free, leading to a state of wholeness and presence.

LiYing emphasizes the importance of truly embodying wisdom and living in harmony with one's true essence, demonstrated through her personal journey of recovery from anorexia and her spiritual awakening through Cha dao.

The process of Cha dao, or the way of tea, is presented as a meditative practice and a portal to connect with ancestors and the wisdom they carry.

Transforming ancestral patterns is crucial for personal growth and wholeness. LiYing shares her experience of setting her ancestors free, which in turn allowed her to live more fully.

LiYing's shift from Hong Kong to Edinburgh signals a marked change in her life, illustrating the importance of being open to new opportunities and experiences.

There is a universal need to find stillness amidst chaos, and practices like Cha dao can help in

LiYing is a healer, ceremonial tea expert, and the founder of When Still Waters Speak. She brings a wealth of wisdom from her experiences growing up with a Chinese background in Malaysia and her extensive journey through personal healing and spiritual mentorship. LiYing’s work is deeply rooted in Cha dao, the way of tea, which she approaches not just as a principle but as a reverent way of living in harmony with nature. She has also delved into bioenergetics, quantum science, and traditional Chinese medicine to further her practice.
For more information: 
When Still Waters Speak  
Introducing LiYing: A Spiritual Healer and Cha Dao Mentor
Diaspora, Belonging, and Family Sacrifices
Triumph Over Anorexia and a New Life in Hong Kong
Ancestral Connection and Life-Changing Tea Ceremony
Embracing the Mystery and Stillness Within Chaos
Tea Ceremonies and Spiritual Connections in Scotland
Embracing the Unknown in Spiritual and Business Journeys
Embracing the Unknown and the Challenges of Entrepreneurship
Embracing the Journey of Spiritual Wholeness and Healing
Trials to Triumph: Overcoming Life's Harshest Challenges
Embracing Life's Challenges as Transformational Journeys
Breaking Ancestral Patterns and Embracing Self-Love
Ancestral Honors: The Banana Boat Sending Away Ceremony
Transformative Ancestral Healing and Spiritual Forgiveness

Discovering Inner Wisdom Through Cha Dao Mentorship

