Today’s show open’s with my disappointment over how the GOP questioned Dr. Fauci in Congress. While there was plenty of grand-standing and red meat, there wasn’t anything substantive or productive to be gained.

I wished they had taken my suggestion of following the money and then expand from there. Remember, this hearing was on the House side. Senator Rand Paul, who is not going to let go of the Fauci bone, cannot wait to get him in for questioning on the Senate side of the Legislative Branch. I would have definitely reminded the audience about the Emergency Use Authorization, the fact Fauci knew about using Hydroxychloroquine, but knew they couldn’t make royalties if they used old and time-tested medicines.

Additionally, two news stories should have been brought to bear. An Oxford report showed that there was no benefit for children to get the COVID-19 vaccine, but there was definite harm in taking it. On top of that, a group of scientists from the Netherlands analyzed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

Onto the Hunter Biden case. It’s the backside of the same lawfare coin. The jury is stacked to get an acquittal. It’s by design. We are watching professional wrestling on a grand scale.

Today on the Hill, AG Merrick Garland was testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) conducted a master class on how to question a witness. It’s obvious, by the end, that Garland knows the DOJ has been coordinating the lawfare against Trump, but cannot admit it publicly.

On the Piers Morgan Show, a TDS suffering Leftist cannot explain why Trump committed a crime with hush-money payments, while Bill Clinton did not. Moreover, when pressed, she claims Trump broke a federal campaign law, which means it could not be heard in a state court.

In breaking news, the FDIC just said that 63 lenders are on the brink of insolvency. Apparently, the banking system is getting crushed under $517 billion dollars in unrealized losses, mostly due to bad real-estate investments and the rising interest from the Fed.

Finally, in a shock to the “greenies” out there, NASA has some bad news. It seems the initiatives to stop emitting particulates into the atmosphere is directly adding to warming. Isn’t it ironic? The Green New Deal folks can actually be called the Green New Warming folks.

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