Today, Dr. Neha Sangwan joins me as we discuss the connections between physical health, emotional healing, and effective communication within personal development and leadership. Dr. Sangwan shares her journey from a career in engineering and medicine to her role as an executive coach and founder of Intuitive Intelligence. 

In this episode, we cover:

- Cross-disciplinary Skills for Innovation: Dr. Sangwan's transition from engineering to medicine and finally into executive coaching exemplifies the value of leveraging skills across different fields to solve complex problems and innovate within your business. This approach can inspire entrepreneurs to think outside the box and find new solutions by applying diverse perspectives.

- Importance of Cultural Intelligence and Communication: Her experiences, stemming from a rich cultural background and professional roles in diverse settings, underscore the significance of understanding cultural nuances and mastering communication for global business success. For entrepreneurs, this means recognizing the impact of cultural intelligence on team dynamics, customer relationships, and international market expansion.

- Prioritizing Wellness for Sustainable Success: The discussion around the link between personal well-being and professional effectiveness highlights the importance of entrepreneurs taking care of their mental and physical health. Dr. Sangwan’s personal story of overcoming burnout reminds entrepreneurs that maintaining wellness is crucial for long-term productivity and creativity in their ventures.

Learn more about Dr. Neha at -

