Today’s guest is Madhu Vyas, Theranostics Site Leader at Mercy Radiology, and Programme Lead at Unitec. 

This episode is brought to you by SAPRO Consulting PTY Ltd

Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Radiochemistry sound like terms pulled straight from a science fiction novel. Yet the use of radioactive materials for the purposes of diagnosing and treating disease - collectively referred to as theranostics (therapy + diagnostics) - are commonly place and an exciting field of discovery and development.

But with so many different radioactive materials to choose from, each with their own characteristics, how do researchers and physicians choose the right one? And how is the radiation targeted to the desired organ or diseased tissue without damaging normal tissue?

In this episode, Madhu and I discuss:
1. The origins of nuclear medicine, molecular imaging and "theranostics"
2. How radioactive material is targeted to different tissues within a patient for the purposes of either diagnosis or therapy
3. What we can expect for the future of an area of medicine that is now hitting it's stride

Madhu Vyas' passion for this field is palpable. When not working as the Theranostics Site Leader at Mercy Radiology, he is teaching the next generation of Medical Imaging technicians and also completing a PhD. Clearly, Madhu has discovered a way to wring more than 24 hours out of a single day!

You can find out more about Madhu, Mercy Radiology & Unitec:

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