In this episode, Amanda shares her personal journey with awakening, which was triggered by her mother's passing. She reflects on the impact of her mother's death and the questions it raised about the purpose of life and her own existence. 

Amanda discusses the process of recognizing that she has had many awakening experiences and the importance of seeking guidance to navigate awakening and our own self-exploration.

She shares the various modalities she has explored, including energy medicine, sound healing, plant medicine, meditation, and tarot, and how they have supported her personal growth and understanding of herself.

Amanda also reflects on how her awakening journey has changed the trajectory of her life, bringing her more peace and acceptance. 

She emphasizes the importance of trust and being open to new experiences as guiding lights for those who are beginning to awaken. 


Awakening experiences can be triggered by significant life events, such as the death of a loved one.

Recognizing and understanding awakening experiences can lead to self-acceptance and self-responsibility.

Seeking guidance and exploring various modalities can support personal growth and healing.

Embodiment practices, such as meditation and energy work, can help individuals connect with their intuition and inner truth. Consistency in meditation practice can provide a foundation for personal growth and transformation.

Awakening can bring more peace and acceptance into one's life.

Trust and openness to new experiences are essential for those on the awakening journey.

Synchronistic experiences can deepen our connection to the present moment and provide guidance.

Life is constantly speaking to us, and being present allows us to listen and receive its messages.

