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0053 - Yvonne Tam & Jacqueline Fuller, Healing Session - 2020-10-26

Medicine via myPod

English - October 27, 2020 18:53 - 48 minutes
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Tong Ren Healing

Tong Ren is an energy healing therapy based on the premise that illness is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body's natural flow of blood, neural bioelectricity, blood, hormones and chi (life force energy). Tong Ren is a powerful healing energy treatment used to help people restore their health and heal from viruses, pain, cancers, organ disorders, etc.  Welcome to the Tong Ren Podcast | visit for more info.If you’ve benefited from this work, please make a donation to Tong Ren Station.
Speaker 0 00:00:03 Okay. Ready? Okay. Let's go. You are now. Do you want me to, yes, you're going to watch it. Gotcha, cool. Yes. Okay. Let's stop. Probably everyone should start dressing up Saturday, Saturday. Oh, yes. It's full moon and it's going to be the change. Oh, and a yes. Daylight savings time. Yeah. No Saturday public service announcement. It is a Speaker 1 00:01:05 Full blue moon and it's a blue Speaker 0 00:01:07 Moon. Yeah. And then daylight savings time on Saturday Halloween. But we said there's no time or space. So Speaker 1 00:01:15 There is still being late to your acupuncture appointments. He sees that we have a Tongan station. Speaker 0 00:01:26 Let's see. Oh, just gotta refresh. Yep. We're good. Okay. Yeah, totally. Okay. We have some requests coming in. Okay. Yeah, we want it. We want to do an overview. Sure. Okay. Hi everyone. Welcome to our Monday healing session. Um, let's see. So we are, we're doing a Tong run session. This is all about healing. We it's an energy modality, uh, where we use our handy-dandy, uh, Dawn hammer. Don't ignore my dog. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:15 He's missing an arm today. It's okay. Even, uh, even the broken or not want to show you that it's possible and the mind and the intention, it overcomes any body deformity. Yes. Speaker 0 00:02:28 So we are going to use the Dawn hammer today and you can do this at home too. We're going to, um, then we'll start an energetic massage on the points to open up the blockages for each condition. So this works so well for actually you don't have to be in person, obviously. We're all the way right now. We have people all, all the world that join us on these live sessions and they get the energy just as they would if they were in person. So you send us here Speaker 1 00:03:01 In the chat and we call, begin taking them. Right now, we are on Facebook talking to and Instagram. And we ask that you have three wishes, three wishes, or like three things he wants to work on. You don't have to have three, but max is three for now, unless you're a senior citizen, then you get a bonus fourth. So we can start with the request on Tongan That's our main website. So people on Facebook and people on Instagram feel free to go onto Thomas and you can see a latest updates and news, all the old news, all the everything, and keep in touch. Keep on track. We can talk later about, we've got so many upcoming fashion. Remind me. Oh yeah. News coming up. So this start with a Holy spirit. Okay. So please talk for a Roseanne Rosa, um, diabetes memories. Constipation. Okay. Okay. So let's start with, um, some mine emotion or everyone. So I see an alternate worry and anxiety other anxiety. Okay. So we can start, uh, the top anxiety and emotions and worrying for everyone. Speaker 1 00:04:32 I think when we start looking at the bright side and looking at the positive things and noticing, and keeping track and appreciating all the little victories, then the mind that emotions can open up. Well. So like today someone comes in and I'm like, how is it? Like, Oh, everything's horrible. Okay. So we'll go down the line like, Oh, this is better. It doesn't matter. I'm like, Oh, you know, everything's not horrible. You're trying to grade, but then there's like one thing wrong. And then you like pointing on that thing instead of saying, wow, all these things are so much better. So perception. Speaker 1 00:05:15 Now you say that last time I was like, I had a really good sandwich. Wow. You know, just being happy about anything, just thinking about all the happy things that are cherishing. So JP 13, we're talking to that. Angel wants his word to the PTSD, the trauma. He did 22, eight Oh six capitalist. He didn't go back to that. Be good for the memory too. See diabetes, intra abdominal, Oregon, triple warmer, 20 up here. He doesn't use it so much anymore. There's always fads and trends. It was once the trend dropped off the top of the year, pretty much ran on top of it. So that is where all the organs inside the abdomen. So the incidence of liver, gall bladder, all the diabetes, that'd be good for the constipation as well. Speaker 1 00:06:39 Both sides areas. You can imagine that has a nerve going too slow, not passing right in. I'm sure we have a few arthritis. Everyone's arthritis. Once motor cortex, sensory cortex is getting real lazy. This is do all the items all at once. So we can go home and watch Hocus Pocus, all the, uh, arthritis, all of it. People always go to a specialist like, Oh, I'm going to, or I'm going to, Oregon's like all these different categories and specialties. One of the main problem is the auto immune attack. It all has the same common root condition could attack anything from the skin to the hair, follicle to the organs, to the joints, keep it under control and everything quiet. Speaker 0 00:09:01 So let's do some brain health, my own one, but Oh wow. I've been doing like the headbands and the clubs and everything. And I can see everything. Yes. I'm a very impressive. Yes. Or just normal. Well, I'm not wearing my glasses. Yeah. Whatever. I don't have to go look really bad. One time when I started tapping, I went to the eye doctor and my eyes got better. Better is better. Also the eye macular regeneration, we can work on the neck and the facial artery for anyone, with the ideas, no throat, all the facial concerns. See anyone else with lung and heart lung. And apart from the medulla controls, heart lung, all encompassing point called the cardiac center or the life center. Speaker 0 00:10:57 I know someone told me that when you're born center breathing and we will come in here and they are short breath, you open this area, the neck. Then it opens up the whole chest and they feel like, Oh, I can finally catch a full breath of there. I had a patient last week who ended up in the ER and like everything you said like, um, a cardiac issue. They said they ran all the tests. It was nothing. Everything we'll put on the heartbeat. They couldn't figure it out. I touched his neck and the left side of the neck was so tight. Like rock hard. So the protests that they're doing are to show like you're a tight muscle in the neck. They just say like, Oh, the part wasn't in an episode or anything. But we opened up the neck and I can breathe. So simple, save a trip to the ER, like midnight, you know, you, my neighbors, we do trade. He came over and like, I need eggs and butter. Those neighbors still exist in hernia. That's all the lower body issue had a patient come in. He had colorectal cancer and he had a tumor on the hip. So walking is very difficult. Speaker 0 00:13:10 And even after the massage, he came, right. I feel better. But his face because that he was in pain, like, you know, hang out there for 20 seconds. So we'll just tap for no more than a minute. And it was his first time getting tapping to how'd you feel? I feel it tingling. I feel the water. And then he comes with a cane because he can't put pressure on that leg. I need to look it up. And he is actually putting pressure on him that I haven't been able to put pressure on that leg for a month. Now we just did a little topic. Speaker 0 00:13:51 That was great. The audit me and making the dryness or the sour point. Yes. Celebrate the cold was of the hands and feet. So gotta take care of the Reno before winter hits act can be coming from the medulla as well. So rhinos, when the, all the vessels go far, like they can, so it doesn't bring in the circulation and the blood vessels from the circulation. Yes. Yes. The vessels, the vessel needs that circulation. I think of like the light force. Almost spraying the goodness. The river. Is that bringing the supplies right to the city? Speaker 0 00:15:09 16. 17, right? Yeah. M J shoulder with shoulder EMJ. Uterine. Okay. Let's talk for the TM jury. Right? Hand side. The abscess to, Oh, I think it was to look at tap for abscess on both T the TMJ, the trigeminal nerve. Okay. No, the full, full word for it, but yeah, it's like all the neuro pain shocking stabbing me that's happened that made me go into the jaw acronym. Hey, Ashley we'll attack where you are migrating theater to get through the IgE. I'm not great, but actually right now, we're still on, um, your request on Taran and we'll do Facebook after this is we're working on the cervical dystonia. That's all like the neck and cervical that will help with your migraines. Okay. I actually, this is a helpful one of the scoliosis. Speaker 0 00:17:59 She said she is an old Tom, Tim. He has my son in 2006. Well, welcome back. Great on coach one, head for your migraine for everyone, for brain circulation motions. Oh, there is. Um, cause we had an eight year old patient with a brain tumor and she's doing really well. She just had the MRI and it showed that it's stable and the deaths that it looks much less dense frenzy. So the size didn't grow bigger or smaller is stable for the density looks smaller. So they are doing so well that the dad tells people on the forums, forums on Facebook. So his dad drove his five-year old up from South Carolina. She has a brain tumor too, but she's doing better after 24 hours. Speaker 0 00:19:09 If we see the difference, we will consider moving here. So we need a realtor out there. I know I real estate around Cambridge, Boston area. Happy mama. Maybe you get gum too. Okay. Let's talk for happy moments. Perfect blood. Okay. Thank you, Ashley. That story is incredible. So she said she's enjoying the Instagram live. It's new. I'm glad to hear you're liking it. That her son had leukemia and Tom helped him a lot. Okay. So we are tapping for leukemia right now, so we can send it to your son with permission if he gives his permission. So you can ask for it another time. So we're tapping for in Canada with a, um, Kamia. Speaker 0 00:20:05 I have the mother. So Dan came back again today, the older gentleman, the lymphoma and the AML, which is the most dangerous type of leukemia. It's acute myeloid cancer, but like the blood growing wrong, like healthy blood, it gives too much of a low quality blood. Like he just had another week where he didn't need the infusion. Yeah. This is the longest he's been right. Longest time without the transfusion. And he even looked at like three times this week, he hasn't played golf in 15 months. He's been feeling like duty three times nine goal. And then they said, yeah, not 18. Whatever is under 18, already got late or anything, but plate. And then went to the driving range. Hasn't played in a year and a half. Speaker 0 00:21:21 Wow. Lead 15. So with permission, we'll have water on the brain and the balance. So I was reading a Palestine. Thank you. Alison sends an article to me, a book, um, the water in the brain and the hydrocephalus hydrocephalus. And they said that is actually all the water is not from the circulation of the vessels. That is the circulation of the lymph that will help clear out the brain and water. So yes. Looking for you. So let's tap for the water in the brain. We start at the top. Is that draining? I think that is what's going on on the brain, but they said, she said balance. So that might be the brainstem right here. The back work. How could they can see the brainstem level of the year is with balance. So all of balance. That's probably where the, tap it down. Word, open up the circle on the stipulation. Speaker 0 00:23:14 Oh, okay. Okay. I joined psychiatric a bladder for migraines where all your permits, cyanotic bladder on the lower body issues also have arthritis in the lower spine. So this is all connected Dolly and thyroid migraine, migraine, Ashley, how's your migraine happening on the migraine again for everyone and for Charlie and Paula's on Charlie Matt's dad is diagnosed with blind and tiny headaches. The whole group in New Jersey that we are including detox, a mold, smoke chemicals, lush it all up, kidney flush. Can he blush? That's a great line for detox for everyone, whether it's medication or the wrong medication or the right medication can help the metabolism of chemicals. Speaker 0 00:27:13 Oh, next question. Jackie, would you just say when you're born your medulla, Oh, I heard. And don't quote me on that, but when you're born, the first one, the first things created is the medulla. And it does make sense that it's the life force. So I will look that up to make my statement true, but it makes sense as though this is the life center is where like the heart and the lungs, everything starts rolling. Yeah. To are breathing and heart breathing. And the heart is improving. The black gang, Alison had been clenching her teeth. So yeah, that killed the next, getting tight neck, making this. And then when this is tied back and goes in, the headache also got a request for angel point has a question, two point for receding gums, I would say, but also allow the facial artery to help pump up more circulation to the face, the jaw skin, pelvic floor, sensory cortex, Cathy, a kid in this review, Jane Casey and Bella. Speaker 0 00:29:45 Can you see it? Oh, okay. Oh, that's 23 people on both the legs gone. Nice branch in the brain. When you're talking about the pressure in the water earlier that wall. Oh, Ryan is here from silk Carolina, actually North Carolina. And he had AML as well. And which is the worst type of leukemia. All, all heal in six months. Okay. Tree branch. Also some grounding flashback PTSD. And we did the wheezing already. So we're talking about angel points and your point is the GV 22. That's the anger, fear, suicide, and a lot of that trauma. So then the <inaudible> is for the mirror neurons. There's a tie-in and then Tom's Island and good old cat whiskers. Yes, we did get our cluster, a cat whiskers PTSD. Speaker 0 00:31:27 Good. That would be good for a sinus as well. So that Eileen and crew, we tap, we tapped already for the sinus allergy brain insulin. Yeah. We covered everything. So we got skin requests, um, anxiety. See, it was all, Hey, Facebook people, do you want to, you are Facebook probably Facebook. I think we're covered on noise. We just, we have some more anxiety and then skin and, uh, the mask me, which I just learned what that term was. Okay. So do the, yes. So indigestion causes removed surgically that inner need is like a fatty tissue and pain. Post-surgery how do you grow? And just be like, <inaudible>, I'll see you the anesthesia. So that was good that we did the detox and the kidney flush earlier. Speaker 0 00:33:22 A lot of positive reviews and positive feedback today. Yeah. Last a higher feeling too. For any, any new comers, you may feel some tingling. It's really calm, peaceful. Happy mama said she felt like a huge rush of cheese. Hi, welcome. Okay. In Virginia, all over the state. Yes. We have our quest for bringing in the brain heading insomnia ringing and also the headache. Hi Johnny. I used to live in Virginia too. Really went everywhere after college. I moved to Richmond, Virginia. Oh, thank you for Puerto Rico. Hello. All quarters of the people from California, healthy platelets, healthy platelets. We did that. Well, we can do that again for everyone. Speaker 1 00:35:40 Yes. Bones. And then the blood, maybe something going back to play golf really played in 15 months. So he's trying to get it all out and probably won't be blood forever because mine is a liquid, but also the kidneys have to flush out any of the old blood that's not made properly. I think we got everyone on Instagram. We so good. Just double check on our time. I know one time we had an issue. Migraine. Yeah. Energy anxiety. We've got it. Got announced. As we're upcoming then seminars. We have a few seminars happening in the next few weeks. If you go to Tara on, you'll find out more information. But um, we have one from Monica. Who's going to be doing a session two days, two days, and then we had Spanish, Spanish. So anyone who speaks Spanish, who's interested in that. That'd be great. I know. Speaker 1 00:37:50 Oh yeah. Oh yes. I know. And then we have Joe who is doing class two days as well. I think his is one day I believe is one day. The information is online. So you can check that out on Tongan I can't see it. But yeah, there isn't, Joe will be doing an ed question. Um, we also have an Italian doctors and Emily did those over. I think they already happened. Okay. Yeah. They had their 10 year anniversary in Italy. So it's been 10 years since Italy has been doing total man teaching it in the hospitals. And actually it's been making waves in Italy. It's been making into mainstream medicine. So it's in a few schools in the Ima information, poor passing, your course. So the Italian medical association, if you'd want to be a doctor, you have to pass their exams and their exams. They have the Tom tamp healing system. Oh, well Apple. Okay. So yes, that's OKC. I think. So you'll be there. You said exciting. And then we got, so those are the, the sessions happening. So put a time on to learn more sign up. Speaker 1 00:39:17 And then we got to class and then we also got one from Andreas drapes. Okay. Are popular lately. So memory, check it to your sense of smell. You probably can't see it. Okay. Right next to the nose called L I 20 and the cat was blind. So when you open up the smell and the sense of well smell and the challenge of cookies back to this memory, and then when you open this up, also removed those ties, then you don't get triggered. Like some people smell. I have patients like the smell of this tape reminds them of getting chemo. Cause it's like take her thing. But um, yeah. Three, you have that bad memory. Yes. Speaker 1 00:40:20 It's good. Right? If there's no problem, then it needs to be okay. But if it's open, you got one for the old factory too. That is the old factory, the factory factory, the young factory that says jokes. <inaudible> the P L six Peniel as well. Yes. You can pronounce it. It depends if you're Tom tan pronouncing them or not, that can be from the hypothalamus. So we could do a GV 22, 23. Yeah. Tucked away in there. It's also like the emotional, emotional break live with them. Can't live without, uh, the spine injury, motor cortex, sensory Curious people with the headaches. No more headaches. Still had it worse. How's everyone doing? And I'm curious, how is the spine feeling all over the world? He's in Switzerland, Sweden Dabbling traveled here a few months ago. A year now a little less than a year ago. Found a blockage on C one C two for you, Andreas. Speaker 0 00:42:12 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:42:13 Like a memory. You remember all the patients Speaker 0 00:42:29 Keep up. Speaker 1 00:42:32 We have seven down to that level. Speaker 0 00:42:39 Yeah. I think Speaker 1 00:42:41 We'll have a treats for everyone. So because we finished a little early today, we can let you guys watch Speaker 0 00:42:49 Galaxy one project. And this is dogs when there was things that's where it doesn't that, Speaker 1 00:42:56 That he did that thing. And it has, um, different images of the entanglement of human time with you Speaker 0 00:43:05 Universal energy Speaker 1 00:43:08 That I don't think I've expressed this before, but we're discussing. And he said, you know, when the sun rays are exuded, it doesn't reach the earth until eight minutes and 22 seconds Speaker 0 00:43:21 Later. Cause it has Speaker 1 00:43:22 A travel, right. So if we're here and we put our mind to the sun, Speaker 0 00:43:28 Then we are automatic Speaker 1 00:43:30 Exactly there. And that means we are going into the future by eight minutes and 22. Speaker 0 00:43:37 Wow. So if we have these images, Speaker 1 00:43:40 The sun, the universe and the universe, even bothering the sun, the Milky way, even farther than the sun. So even further into the future, but we are putting our mind on the future. And then we see the healthy Oregon's on the videos. So we're entangling. You have an energy quantum energy into the future with these healthy organs. Love that. Speaker 0 00:44:05 Explain for all the healthy he'll be Oregon's. Oops, one sec. Speaker 1 00:44:20 Okay. Let's see. Do you want me to hold Speaker 2 00:47:22 <inaudible>? Speaker 0 00:48:26 We hope everyone enjoyed that and remember to go check out all the information and the latest, uh, upcoming classes on Tolman and we hope to see you next time. Bye everyone.