We are blessed this week to have Sana from Empower Aces Inc. join us to talk about the different types of bullying, how to prevent it and stop it. As well as the importance of conflict and seeing it in a new light.

As always, let us know what you think, rate, and comment as it helps us grow. You can even find us on Ko-Fi and support us there: https://ko-fi.com/medicineinthekitchen

Happy Healing!

For more info visit www.sweetnutritionista.com & www.drfeliciaassenzand.com

Geazul: @SweetNutritionista (Instagram & Facebook), @SNutritionista (Twitter), www.sweetnutritionista.com

Felicia: @feliciaassenzand (Instagram & Facebook), www.drfeliciaassenzand.com

Music provided by BENSOUND