In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews dpL, not his real name, and we talk about the Gatekeeps and how they will keep you stuck in endless rabbit holes, constantly running on new and improved hamster wheels, never accessing information that creates action and change. dpL talks about their strategies, how to spot them and how to avoid getting lost and spinning your wheels. We also go into the playbook they are using to control the masses, creating chaos and confusion. We will talk about solutions, how to spot those influencers who are selling you their brand of snake oil for profit, how to trust your body and soul, directly from God. 

From dpL: The impact gatekeepers have on our reality and how we can learn to recognize them. I am convinced that the biggest impact on consciousness is the manipulation of reality through the control of the information we receive. The lies regarding the existence of viruses and how these lies impact the way we try achieving optimum health is a great example of this, but it is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Everything we are, what we do, and what we become is controlled through what information we are exposed to during our lifetime. Those who control the information centers, have a very tight grasp on our reality. They are able to rule the masses simply through advertising and propaganda they stream through these information centers.

To find dpL and Full article link:

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