This week I interview the amazing Paula Conroy, a transformational leader who supports women to transition from one stage of life to the next in a really healthy way. She uses the ancient wisdom inherent in traditional Rites of Passage processes to bring awareness to the elements that are required to ensure that these inevitable transitions in life are done well.  Paula's main focus is to support women to become aware of their fragmented parts, recognize how to self-source to heal these aspects of self, and bring them into wholeness, therefore discovering the possibility of moving powerfully into their next stage of maturity

 and into their full potency of Womanhood. Paula spent 15 years in Senior

 Leadership positions within Global Banking, managing large, complex, multi-jurisdictional teams. She recognizes the criticality of Conscious Leadership of Self as an essential capacity to cultivate, prior to taking on the responsibility to lead others. We talk about the importance of connecting with our children, the Trojan horse of screen time and how to regain back the freedom of time and space. 

To Find Paula:

To Find Robin: