In this episode Robin Stebbins interviews the amazing Samantha Lotus who dreams the limitless dream, not only curing herself from the "C" word, but curating her life on her terms. I have never felt so inspired after a podcast as I did after connecting with this incredibly beautiful light. Join us for an amazing hour about what's really going on and how we can step into our power and rise above the fear.
To Find Robin:

To Find Samantha:  and read more about her story here:

I grew up with a Standard North American lifestyle; eat junk food, take the medications, stress out over everything, learn to repress my emotions, become consumed by fear and negativity, get sick, lose faith in everything, have a massive breakdown, get super sick and then find myself needing to piece together the broken parts.

At 26, I nearly died. It was the scariest and yet most pivotal experience for me. After years of physical, mental and emotional trauma, all systems in my body shut down and I could not function. I was sick ALL the time, had lost my period for 7 years, had hypothyroidism, hormone imbalances, mood fluctuations, and then had a systemic infection and cancerous blood situation. I was faced with a near death/meet God/Realize I am the Universe experience that gave me the opportunity to awaken to my own Self and choose life.