In this episode of the Medicine Girl, I interview the amazing Keith Mitchell, who just happens to be one of the smartest guys I have had the privilege of connecting with and am still basking in the inspiration he imparts. Keith went from NFL linebacker to renowned International Speaker and Celebrated Yogi. Keith shares how he healed his body through breathwork and meditation after suffering a spinal contusion that left him paralyzed and unable to walk. Keith took this time of inward reflection to find true healing and ultimately revealing his authentic mission. With this awakening, Keith founded The Light It Up Foundation, an altruistic organization devoted to sharing his mindfulness practices to ignite health and wellness from the inside out. He recently wrote a book entitled The Mindfulness Playbook" available now for preorder. In his book he lays out 8 strategies for winning at the game of life to "live a life full of greatness, joy, gratitude and purpose".  On our show we discuss everything from the root cause of disease and illness, to forgiveness and releasing stories of attachment to ultimately clear and illuminate the path to your soul’s greatest potential.


Some highlights  and quotable’s…


“Who are you to diagnose me with anything…I will not give you that power”


"When you realize that you can participate in your own healing process, you are no longer the victim". 


~Keith Mitchell



Bonus! Don't miss the ending when Keith gives us three simple things to do today that can take you from surviving to thriving in effervescent vitality and wellness. I can't think of anything better than that, can you?


To find Keith:

Or if you are like me and want to just get the book already...


And find me, Robin Stebbins: