In this episode Robin Stebbins interviews Jim Hickey for Session 2 on our series on what it means to Awaken. Some show highlights include: each person's path to awakening is like their fingerprint, unique and impossible to copy. Releasing attachments and understanding that there is no such thing as a one sided coin helps to elevate the frequency of your energy.
Who is Jim Whitlock Hickey? He is no different than most humans, he's learning to not repeat mistakes as often, eliminating what's not important and seeking a belonging and connection in each moment. Jim Hickey started his Spiritual exploration at an early age studying with a Catholic Theologian at 15. At 18, studied with a Colorado Mountain Seer that was 60 years ahead of his time, teaching Mind, Body and Spirit presence since the late 1950's.
At 25 Jim started a Prison Meditation Studying Group that changed peoples thinking with a more aware perspective and has spent his life studying the Spiritual Path through much pain, success and hard fought wisdom to try to pass along to others.
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