For years Pornhub, the world's largest porn site, has marketed themselves as just another household name—as basic as breakfast cereal, as constant as the daily news. However, a single petition to shut down Pornhub is blowing the whistle. Today, we're talking to the woman behind the movement.

Recent investigative reports have uncovered what many have long suspected: Pornhub profits from the commercial sex trafficking of minors. Meanwhile, they hide behind third-party immunity, claiming they are “not responsible” for the content uploaded to their site. And so far they’ve gotten away with it.

Lucky for us, we have a powerhouse on our side. Laila Mickelwait, director of abolition for Exodus Cry, has been working to combat sexual exploitation and sex trafficking for over a decade. Her research keeps bringing her back to the connection between trafficking and pornography. 

It didn’t take much to find Pornhub at the center of all this exploitation. Laila is particularly concerned with the minimal efforts taken to verify age and consent of those appearing in materials uploaded to the site. That is exactly what inspired her to start a petition to shut down the site--a petition that now has more than a half a million signatures, and more every day.

Episode challenge

We can’t always take immediate action to help fix a monstrous issue like this. But today we can. Today’s challenge will take less than five minutes, and it WILL make a difference. Sign the petition to shut down Pornhub at Then share the link with a friend and ask them to sign too.

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More about today’s guest

Laila Mickelwait is the Director of Abolition for Exodus Cry. She has a Master of Public Diplomacy degree from the Annenberg School of Communications and the Dornsife School of International Relations at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State. Laila has been working in the anti-trafficking field for over a decade, including time at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland with the World Federation of United Nations Associations Millennium Project. Laila’s writing and speaking have been published in outlets such as The New York Post, The Washington Examiner, BBC News, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Christian Post and others. 


Follow Laila on Twitter @LailaMickelwait and Instagram @lailamickelwait 

Traffickinghub Website

Exodus Cry Website

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