Ever made what you thought was a great resolution only to be defeated before you start? Yup, you and me both. So what do we do to build safer screen habits? How do we resolve to improve knowing full well we’re going to face challenges, obstacles, and maybe even failures right at the outset? It comes down to establishing direction.

Keep in mind that this is a journey. And every good journey requires a navigation tool. Something to move you in the right direction—like a compass or a map. Building safer screen habits isn't about passing or failing, winning or losing. It’s about able to recenter when you get off track. It’s about moving ever forward in the direction that you want to go.

Media Savvy Moms is a podcast by ParentsAware, an organization dedicated to helping parents talk to their children and teens about pornography and healthy sexuality. For complete show notes, visit http://parentsaware.info/index.php/podcast/.