Fritz and Weezy serve up hand picked selections, recommended for your viewing, reading and listening pleasure, including McCartney 3,2,1, Barry Gibb’s new album Greenfields, Willie Nelson’s autobiography, It’s a Long Story, The Lost Leonardo documentary, and Our Own Worst Enemy - The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy by Tom Nichols which invites a dialogue about the state of things in America… That conversation path travels through vaccines, voting rights, The Holocaust, Black Lives Matter and California’s special election. Vote NO on the recall!

Path Points of Interest:

McCartney 3,2,1 with producer Rick Ruben on HULU

Barry Gibb Greenfields

Barry Gibb Greenfields on Spotify

The Lost Leonardo - Documentary 

Our Own Worst Enemy - The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy by Tom Nichols

Willie Nelson: It's a Long Story

Willie Nelson: Letters to America

Marvin Palanker - WWII Experience Interview