How accurate is the Netflix Helen Reddy movie, I Am Woman? Our fact checker is Paul Cowsill from The Cowsills who toured with Helen and he knows too much to go back and pretend. Plus young people pollster Cyrus Beschloss from Generation Lab joins us to share data and intel on what matters to newly minted voters. Also, Fritz and Weezy are recommending The Trouble With Maggie Cole and The Rise of the Nazis on PBS and Assholes: A Theory on Amazon Prime.

The Trouble With Maggie Cole

I Am Woman on Netflix

Assholes: A Theory

A documentary from John Walker

The Rise of The Nazis on PBS

Family Band: The Cowsills Story

Cyrus Beschloss on Twitter 

Cyrus Beschloss

Generation Lab

Generation Lab Poll on Vox

Generation Lab Poll on Axios

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