Some of you might have been oblivious to this awesome technology but the Touch Screen for Macs has been around since 1987. On desktops, laptops, and displays. All thanks to Troll Touch. Now I can give a lengthy paragraph on how it works and all the jive, but just see for yourself.

Not sure if there is anything else to say... oh yeah how much will this cost you?iMac Kits Start at $1099Pre-installed on your machine at $2299Laptops start at $699
Final Thoughts: Touch screen technology is great and all but I'm not sure if I want to put fingerprints on my screen or leave fingerprints on everything that I once didn't have to touch. And why doesn't Apple get with it already... I don't see how HP got there first and how Microsoft is bringing it to the next level?
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Do you want a Touch screen enabled desktop, laptop, or display? Do you think the price is fair? Why do you think Apple hasn't done this themselves? What are your thoughts on all this touching going on?
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