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2010 Apple will bring to you all your favorite TV shows for the low monthly price of $30. If things go their way. Right now no network as signed on but if it wouldn't be surprising if Disney was the first on board. Steve's 2nd empire shouldn't mind.
With Hulu in the works of coming up with a paid subscription service we can see how networks are looking for ways to make money as usual. Also with the Apple Tablet or Apple Slate and the ill fate of Apple TV we could see the possibilities of opening our pockets for some new Apple Gadgets and paying another monthly subscription to Apple beside the portions we already give through the iTunes Store and our iPhone. Maybe the Apple Slate/Tablet will have a book subscription service?

I believe the following statement to ring true:The internet is the new cable: Netflix, Hulu, BitTorrent. Apple might not get to launch it in a few months, but it will happen. Just give it time. The actually crazy part, if you ask me, is that the Apple TV might even live up to its name.- Gizmodo
Would you pay for this service? Do you think its smart, worth it, or just plain greedy? What networks do you think will be the first to jump on? How much do you think it should cost?
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