Some of you may be asking

Readers: "Hulu? I thought this post was about Television?"

If you're one of the few readers to ask these questions I'm surprised you're on the Internet reading a blog.

But seriously, Hulu to me has become my Television (even though there is a 50' Samsung DLP in the living room). Sure there are some networks still missing from its line up, but the all the other networks/shows people actually watch are available anytime, for free.

Last Weeks Fall Premieres
30 Rock Oct. 16
Ugly Betty Oct. 17- Really? A Saturday? Good luck staying on the air but wait! Hulu will help you do that.

Hulu keeps shows alive and at times brings back old shows. (The Bionic Women- no not the sad attempt for a remake).

By now you're probably wondering what this post is really about. Well, I just want to let you know how you can take advantage of watching your favorites anytime for free!

Follow the array of links within the next few paragraphs, this entire post, or just go to the links section at the bottom of this post.

Hulu can be seen right from your desktop using their desktop app saving you those 2 seconds of opening up your browser. You still need to have an Internet connection for it to function along with all the other ways to enjoy your TV experience on Hulu.Hulu has another way to stay away from using your browser- use their widgets.Most of you are probably Facebook addicts or recovering addicts so let me help you with your addiction and present to you the Facebook app. Watch TV while you chat it up with friends on Facebook and attempted to study for finals. Be sure and become a fan.Follow Hulu on Twitter and if you don't have a Twitter account stop being so ignorant of the capabilities of this free service that is worth over a billion dollars.Hulu likes to blog it up so if you enjoy this blog you'll really enjoy Hulu's blog.Last place to go is Hulu itself. You can make an account add all your favorite TV shows to a queue by subscribing to them. Get extra web exclusive episodes and excerpts. Also search by keywords, click on recently added shows, or popular shows, and enjoy!Mobile capabilities coming soon and some gaming consoles as well as other media devices... We'll let you know or just follow them on their blog, Facebook and Twitter and they'll let you know.Now for the month of October Hulu prepared a fun treat for you all.Huluween
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What do you think of the way we watch Television? Is Hulu better than Cable/Satellite? What other online services do you use to watch your favorite shows?
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