Michael Mantell is a Behavioral Science Expert and author of Ticking Bombs: Defusing Violence in the Workplace and Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff PS: It’s All Small Stuff and it’s 25th Anniversary Edition. He was named one of the “Top 25 Business Speakers” in Successful Meetings Magazine, and named by Greatist.com among the “100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness.

In today's episode, Dr. Mantell joins us from San Diego, California, one of the most sought-after behavioral science experts in the world. He believes that we must “put care and compassion out front in healthcare and fitness.” Dr. Mantell, perhaps one of the most passionate and animated clinical psychologists you will ever meet, shares his personal story of how losing his father, and later his thesis advisor, to obesity motivated him to complete his thesis at Hahnemann Medical College on the psychological aspects of obesity.

Through decades of research and studies, Dr. Mantell discusses the power of cognitive-behavioral coaching through the acronym, H.E.L.P. (Health, Enhancement, Lifestyle, Plan) After authoring multiple books, courses, articles, and publications around the globe, Dr. Mantell is a coveted speaker at fitness and medical fitness conferences to share his messages about the power of using “exercise to prevent medicine” and shed light on his favorite personal quote, "The Link is What You Think." This “captures his approach to helping clients live better lives, healthy, fit and happy.”

Dr. Michael Mantell is changing lives through his work and is determined to bridge the gap between fitness and medical professionals. Dr. Mantell will be a keynote speaker at the MedFit Global Education & Career Virtual Conference and will co-author the upcoming MedFit Classroom Bariatric Medicine Aftercare online course.